Equal participation of faith-based organizations.

§ 2.32 Equal participation of faith-based organizations.

(a) Faith-based organizations must be eligible, on the same basis as any other organization and considering any reasonable accommodation, to seek DOL support or participate in DOL programs for which they are otherwise eligible. DOL and DOL social service intermediary providers, as well as State and local governments administering DOL support, must not discriminate for or against an organization on the basis of the organization's religious character, affiliation, or exercise, although this requirement does not preclude DOL, DOL social service providers, or State or local governments administering DOL support from accommodating religion in a manner consistent with the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment to the Constitution. In addition, because this rule does not affect existing constitutional requirements, DOL, DOL social service providers (insofar as they may otherwise be subject to any constitutional requirements), and State and local governments administering DOL support must continue to comply with otherwise applicable constitutional principles, including, among others, those articulated in the Establishment, Free Speech, and Free Exercise Clauses of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Notices and announcements of award opportunities and notices of award and contracts shall include language substantially similar to that in appendices A and B, respectively, to this part.

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