Direction involving other properties in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest held by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

§ 535.215 Direction involving other properties in which Iran or an Iranian entity has an interest held by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, all persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States in possession or control of properties, as defined in § 535.333 of this part, not including funds and securities owned by Iran or its agencies, instrumentalities or controlled entities, are licensed, authorized, directed and compelled to transfer such properties held on January 18, 1981 as directed after that day by the Government of Iran, acting through its authorized agent. Such directions shall include arrangements for payment of the costs of transporting the properties, unless the possessors of the properties were required to pay such costs by contract or applicable law on January 19, 1981. Except where specifically stated, this license, authorization and direction does not relieve persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States from existing legal requirements other than those based upon the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.

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