§ 52.2430 Determinations of attainment.
(a) Based upon EPA's review of the air quality data for the 3-year period 2007 to 2009, EPA determined that the Metropolitan Washington, District of Columbia-Maryland-Virginia (DC-MD-VA) fine particle (PM2.5) nonattainment area attained the 1997 annual PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) by the applicable attainment date of April 5, 2010. Therefore, EPA has met the requirement pursuant to CAA section 179(c) to determine, based on the area's air quality as of the attainment date, whether the area attained the standard. EPA also determined that the Metropolitan Washington, DC-MD-VA PM2.5 nonattainment area is not subject to the consequences of failing to attain pursuant to section 179(d).