
§ 1614.3 Definitions.

(a) Attorney means a person who is authorized to practice law in the jurisdiction in which assistance is rendered. For purposes of this part, attorney does not have the meaning stated in 45 CFR 1600.1.

(b) Incubator project means a program that provides legal training and support, for a limited period of time, to law students, law graduates, or attorneys who are establishing, or upon graduation and bar admission intend to establish, their own independent law practices.

(c) Law graduate means an individual who, within the last two years, has completed the education and/or training requirements necessary for application to the bar in any U.S. state or territory.

(d) Law student means an individual who is, or has been, enrolled, full-time or part-time, within the past year, and not expelled from:

(1) A law school that can provide the student with a degree that is a qualification for application to the bar in any U.S. state or territory; or

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