
§ 206.2 Definitions.

For the purpose of this part, the following definitions apply:

Agency means any department, instrumentality, office, commission, board, service, Government corporation, or other establishment in the executive branch, except the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Billing means any of a variety of means by which the Government places a demand for payment against an entity that is indebted to the Government. The term encompasses invoices, notices, initial demand letters, and other forms of notification.

Cash management means practices and techniques designed to accelerate and control collections, ensure prompt deposit of receipts, improve control over disbursement methods, and eliminate idle cash balances. “Cash Management Review Process” means periodic examinations of collection and disbursement cash flows to ensure that the most effective mechanisms are used to process the funds.

Collection means the transfer of monies from a source outside the Federal Government to an agency or to a financial institution acting as an agent of the Government.

Collection mechanism means any one of a number of tools or systems by which monies are transferred to the Government from a source outside the Government.

Cutoff time means a time predesignated by a financial institution beyond which transactions presented or actions requested will be considered the next banking day's business.

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