Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide (SO2).

§ 52.1189 Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide (SO2).

(a) The plan submitted by the State on May 31, 2016 to attain the 2010 1-hour primary sulfur dioxide (SO2) national ambient air quality standard for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area does not meet the requirements of Clean Air Act (CAA) section 172 with respect to SO2 emissions from the U.S. Steel (Ecorse and Zug Island), EES Coke, Cleveland-Cliffs Steel Corporation (formerly AK or Severstal Steel), and Dearborn Industrial Generation (DIG) facilities in the Detroit, Michigan area. These requirements for these four facilities are satisfied by paragraphs (b)through(e) of this section, respectively.

(b) This section addresses and satisfies CAA section 172 requirements for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area by specifying the necessary emission limits and other control measures applicable to the U.S. Steel Ecorse and Zug Island facilities. This section applies to the owner(s) and operator(s) of the facilities located at 1 Quality Drive and 1300 Zug Island Road in Detroit, Michigan. The requirements in this section for the Hot Strip Mill Slab Reheat Furnaces 1–5, No. 2 Baghouse, Main Plant Boiler No. 8, and Main Plant Boiler No. 9 apply to the owner and operator of the U.S. Steel Ecorse facility, and the requirements in this section for Boilerhouse 1, Boilerhouse 2, A1 Blast Furnace, B2 Blast Furnace, D4 Blast Furnace, A/B Blast Furnace Flares, and D Furnace Flare apply to the owner and operator of the U.S. Steel Zug Island facility.

(1) SO2emission limits. (i) Beginning on the effective date of the FIP, no owner or operator shall emit SO2 from the following units in excess of the following limits:

Table 1 to Paragraph (b)(1)(i)

Unit SO2 emission limit
Boilerhouse 1 (all stacks combined)55.00
Hot Strip Mill—Slab Reheat Furnace 10.31
Hot Strip Mill—Slab Reheat Furnace 20.31
Hot Strip Mill—Slab Reheat Furnace 30.31
Hot Strip Mill—Slab Reheat Furnace 40.31
Hot Strip Mill—Slab Reheat Furnace 50.31
No. 2 Baghouse3.30
Main Plant Boiler No. 80.07
Main Plant Boiler No. 90.07
A1 Blast Furnace0.00
B2 Blast Furnace40.18
D4 Blast Furnace40.18
A/B Blast Furnace Flares60.19
D Furnace Flare60.19

(ii) Beginning two years after the effective date of the FIP, no owner or operator shall emit SO2 from Boilerhouse 2 in excess of the following limits:

(A) Boilerhouse 2 shall emit less than 750.00 lbs/hr unless Boilerhouse 1, A1 Blast Furnace, B2 Blast Furnace, D4 Blast Furnace, A/B Blast Furnace Flares, or D Furnace Flare is operating, in which case it shall emit less than 81.00 lbs/hr.

(B) [Reserved]

(2) Stack restrictions and permit requirements. (i) The owner or operator shall construct a stack for Boilerhouse 2. The stack emission point must be at least 170 feet above ground level. The owner or operator shall submit a construction permit application for the stack to the State of Michigan within 90 days of the effective date of the FIP. Where any compliance obligation under this section requires any other state or local permits or approvals, the owner or operator shall submit timely and complete applications and take all other actions necessary to obtain all such permits or approvals.

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