§ 141.205 Content of the public notice.
(a) What elements must be included in the public notice for violations of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) or other situations requiring a public notice? When a public water system violates a NPDWR or has a situation requiring public notification, each public notice must include the following elements:
(1) A description of the violation or situation, including the contaminant(s) of concern, and (as applicable) the contaminant level(s);
(2) When the violation or situation occurred;
(3) Any potential adverse health effects from the violation or situation, including the standard language under paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section, whichever is applicable;
(4) The population at risk, including subpopulations particularly vulnerable if exposed to the contaminant in their drinking water;
(5) Whether alternative water supplies should be used;
(6) What actions consumers should take, including when they should seek medical help, if known;
(7) What the system is doing to correct the violation or situation;
(8) When the water system expects to return to compliance or resolve the situation;