Civil money penalties for violations of applicable Exchange standards by consumer assistance entities in Federally-facilitated Exchanges.

§ 155.206 Civil money penalties for violations of applicable Exchange standards by consumer assistance entities in Federally-facilitated Exchanges.

(a) Enforcement actions. If an individual or entity specified in paragraph (b) of this section engages in activity specified in paragraph (c) of this section, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may impose the following sanctions:

(1) Civil money penalties (CMPs), subject to the provisions of this section.

(2) Corrective action plans. In the notice of assessment of CMPs specified in paragraph (l) of this section, HHS may provide an individual or entity specified in paragraph (b) of this section the opportunity to enter into a corrective action plan to correct the violation instead of paying the CMP, based on evaluation of the factors set forth in paragraph (h) of this section. In the event that the individual or entity does not follow such a corrective action plan, HHS could require payment of the CMP.

(b) Consumer assistance entities. CMPs may be assessed under this section against the following consumer assistance entities:

(1) Individual Navigators and Navigator entities in a Federally-facilitated Exchange, including grantees, sub-grantees, and all personnel carrying out Navigator duties on behalf of a grantee or sub-grantee;

(2) Non-Navigator assistance personnel authorized under § 155.205(d) and (e) and non-Navigator assistance personnel entities in a Federally-facilitated Exchange, including but not limited to individuals and entities under contract with HHS to facilitate consumer enrollment in QHPs in a Federally-facilitated Exchange; and

(3) Organizations that a Federally-facilitated Exchange has designated as certified application counselor organizations and individual certified application counselors carrying out certified application counselor duties in a Federally-facilitated Exchange.

(c) Grounds for assessing CMPs. HHS may assess CMPs against a consumer assistance entity if, based on the outcome of the investigative process outlined in paragraphs (d) through (i) of this section, HHS has reasonably determined that the consumer assistance entity has failed to comply with the Federal regulatory requirements applicable to the consumer assistance entity that have been implemented pursuant to section 1321(a)(1) of the Affordable Care Act, including provisions of any agreements, contracts, and grant terms and conditions between HHS and the consumer assistance entity that interpret those Federal regulatory requirements or establish procedures for compliance with them, unless a CMP has been assessed for the same conduct under 45 CFR 155.285.

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