Audits and investigations.

§ 101.71 Audits and investigations.

(a) Audits and investigations are official examinations of books, records, documents, other writings and information to ensure that the provisions of the Defense Production Act and other applicable statutes, this part, and official actions have been properly followed. An audit or investigation may also include interviews and a systems evaluation to detect problems or failures in the implementation of this part.

(b) When undertaking an audit or investigation, HHS shall:

(1) Define the scope and purpose in the official action given to the person under investigation; and

(2) Have ascertained that the information sought or other adequate and authoritative data are not available from any Federal or other responsible agency.

(c) In administering this part, HHS may issue the following documents that constitute official actions:

(1) Administrative Subpoenas. An Administrative Subpoena requires a person to appear as a witness before an official designated by HHS to testify under oath on matters of which that person has knowledge relating to the enforcement or the administration of the Defense Production Act and other applicable statutes, this part, or official actions. An Administrative Subpoena may also require the production of books, papers, records, documents and physical objects or property.

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