Anti-money laundering programs for operators of credit card systems.

§ 1028.210 Anti-money laundering programs for operators of credit card systems.

(a) Anti-money laundering program requirement. Effective July 24, 2002, each operator of a credit card system shall develop and implement a written anti-money laundering program reasonably designed to prevent the operator of a credit card system from being used to facilitate money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities. The program must be approved by senior management. Operators of credit card systems must make their anti-money laundering programs available to the Department of the Treasury or the appropriate Federal regulator for review.

(b) Minimum requirements. At a minimum, the program must:

(1) Incorporate policies, procedures, and internal controls designed to ensure the following:

(i) That the operator does not authorize, or maintain authorization for, any person to serve as an issuing or acquiring institution without the operator taking appropriate steps, based upon the operator's money laundering or terrorist financing risk assessment, to guard against that person issuing the operator's credit card or acquiring merchants who accept the operator's credit card in circumstances that facilitate money laundering or the financing of terrorist activities;

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