
  1. Identifying Personnel Needs and Leveraging Varied Skill Sets to Staff an Effective Compliance Department (2020 SCCE Web Conference)

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Felipe Maldonado Garcia, Greg Bates  | December 2020 

    • Align the compliance programs staffing needs with the organization’s commercial strategy and risk assessment

    • Evaluate the compliance programs personnel needs versus existing resources to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

    • Consider various ways to fill resource gaps, including providing employee growth opportunities, repurposing team members, and leveraging employees outside the core compliance department

  2. 2020 Hindsight: Anti-Corruption Developments in 2020

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Ann Sultan, James Tillen  | December 2020 

    • Become familiar with the major FCPA cases of 2020

    • Learn about the policy developments affecting corporate compliance programs from the DOJ this year

    • Catch up on key international developments in anti-corruption, such a new guidance from the UK on DPAs

  3. How Will Brexit Affect Compliance? Data Protection, Anti-bribery & Corruption, and Modern Slavery

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Jonathan Armstrong, Andre Bywater  | December 2020 

    • Data Protection: What will happen about GDPR, data transfers, data protection officers, data protection representatives & data impact assessment, etc.?

    • Bribery and corruption: Which way are things going and what you can do to reduce risk?

    • Modern slavery: How to manage supply chain risk

    • Other key developments from the outcome of the Brexit negotiations

  4. How Are We Doing? Strategies for Compliance Program Assessment

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Eric Morehead  | December 2020 

    • Why turn over the rocks? Some benefits and some goals for a periodic compliance program assessment

    • What are the expectations?  What have regulators said they are looking for and what does benchmarking tell us about program assessment?

    • Measure twice and cut once: What are some practical steps and resources to consider when planning an assessment?

    • Sum of its parts: What are the different tools, approaches and methods that organizations can use for assessments?

    • Ideally, any organization should have a good idea at the end of this session about the resources and tools needed to either conduct an assessment internally or the criteria for selecting a partner to assist with an assessment

  5. Anti-Corruption Enforcement Report

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Thad McBride, Lindsey Fetzer  | December 2020 

    • Understand the key provisions and challenges presented by the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

    • Learn how companies often get in trouble

    • Gain insight into recent enforcement action and what that action says about the US government’s enforcement priorities

    • Receive guidance on compliance best practices to avoid potential issues

  6. Those Things You Need to Know about Money Laundering

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Monica Ramirez  | November 2020 

    • Learn the difference between money laundering and terrorist financing and the specific characteristics of each concept

    • See how money is laundered worldwide (financial and non-financial sectors) as well as become aware of why the money laundering risk is also a personal matter

    • Get to know key controls your company should have to minimize the risk of being used to launder money

  7. Complying with U.S. Trade Sanctions: What every U.S. Company Needs to Know to Avoid OFAC's Wrath

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Jessica Sanderson, Matt Stankiewicz  | October 2020 

    • Overview of US sanctions regimes 

    • To whom US laws apply (e.g. includes foreign subsidiaries; secondary sanctions)

    • Key developments

    • Compliance obligations and elements of an effective sanctions compliance program

    • Enforcement trends 

    • Common pitfalls and emerging risks

  8. Compliance Issues from the Pandemic: Work from Home, Return to Work and Hybrid Working

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Jonathan Armstrong, Andre Bywater  | September 2020 

    • GDPR, Data Protection and Privacy (including the challenges of health checks and data on employee wellbeing)

    • The increase in bribery and corruption cases and what you can do to reduce risk

    • The need to manage new third-party risks and the impact on modern slavery and supply chain issues

  9. Mutual Moral Deferment: "Law & Economics" Changes the Role of Law in Organizational Ethics

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Riaz Tejani  | September 2020 

    • An overview of three recent corporate ethics cases and the role lawyers played in their unfolding

    • A brief history of the Law and Economics movement in the United States and its current state of the art

    • An explanation of the changes Law and Economics have wrought in the landscape for business law and ethics today

  10. Compliance in Russia: Enforcement Trends and Best Practices in the Challenging Post-Soviet Environment

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Hannes Lubitzsch  | September 2020 

    • Lessons learned from recent Russian anti-bribery enforcement, including new liability risks for foreign companies

    • Best practices for compliance programs in Russian organizations, taking into account legislative developments

    • What are the main pitfalls when conducting corporate investigations in the Russian environment?

  11. Establishing a Compliance Program for New Government Contractors

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Bailey Naples  | September 2020 

    • Identifying the regulations and laws associated with your awarded government contract

    • Writing user friendly policies, protocols, and procedures

    • Establishing controls and self-audits to maintain compliance

  12. 100 days with the updated DOJ Guidance on evaluation of compliance programs

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Jaideep Kewalramani, Suhas Tuljapurkar  | September 2020 

    • Learn the changes introduced by the new DOJ guidance

    • Learn how the new DOJ guidance impacts an organization’s compliance program

  13. Risk Assessment: Foundation for Building an Effective Ethics & Compliance (Complimentary Member Exclusive - 2)

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Judith Spain  | August 2020 

    • Describing a universal model to identify your entity’s universe of risk

    • Explaining the assessment process

    • Using examples to walk through each assessment step on the path to understand how assessment feeds into a functioning compliance and ethics program

  14. Doing Business in Africa: A Boom and Changing Risk Landscape

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Lola Adekanye, Anna Kompanek  | August 2020 

    • Whether it is large-scale Kenyan agricultural producers or Ethiopian apparel manufacturers, Africa is an increasingly attractive place to source goods bound for European markets but remains inherently risky in terms of compliance

    • This session, featuring speakers based in Washington DC and Nigeria, offers a view from the frontlines on how companies and compliance professionals are striking a balance between opportunity and risk on the Continent

    • From experience working on compliance issues in 16 African markets, the presenters will discuss how to find trusted local companies that meet due diligence requirements, and how to strengthen their compliance capacity and reduce risk profile

  15. SEC and DOJ Enforcement Update

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Sandra Moser, Richard Grime, Audrey Harris, Sulaksh Shah  | August 2020 

    • SEC and DOJ Enforcement: What’s on the Horizon?

    • Revised DOJ’s Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs

    • SEC's use of data analytics and focus on investigation of non-GAAP metrics

    • Noteworthy SEC/DOJ settlements and their implications

  16. Risk Assessment: Foundation for Building an Effective Ethics & Compliance Program (Complimentary Member Exclusive)

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Judith Spain  | August 2020 

    • Describing a universal model to identify your entity’s universe of risk

    • Explaining the assessment process

    • Using examples to walk through each assessment step on the path to understand how assessment feeds into a functioning compliance and ethics program

  17. Understanding the Final Title IX Regulations

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Colleen Lewis, Katlyn Andrews  | August 2020 

    • Review the key considerations and applicability of the Department of Education’s Final Title IX Regulations released on May 6, 2020

    • Understand how provisions in the Final Title IX Regulations compare to provisions in the 2018 proposed guidance

    • Identify actions institutions should take, including updating policies and grievance procedures, to comply with the Final Title IX Regulations by the August 14, 2020 effective date

  18. Truth or Consequences: Demonstrating Regulator Ready Compliance Plans vs. Consequences

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Teri Quimby  | July 2020 

    • Elements of a regulator's thought process: Understanding the use of your compliance information (or lack thereof) to determine consequences

    • Ways to demonstrate plan effectiveness for government records and hearings

    • “Grey areas”: How to create a compliance program when government standards are not clear

    • Codes of Conduct/Best Practices: Building better bridges between government expectations and business practice

  19. Policies and Procedures: More Than Pieces of Paper

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Kyle Eaton  | July 2020 

    • Know the "why" behind a policy before implementation. There needs to be a reason and a need behind the policy

    • An agency’s policy and procedure manual is vital in creating a positive culture for the organization

    • Learn how to foster compliance with policies and procedures throughout the agency

  20. Addressing Third Party FCPA Compliance Risks

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Thad McBride  | June 2020 

    • Overview of FCPA provisions and the basis for liability for conduct by third parties

    • Summary of third-party relationships - such as agents, distributors, venture partners - that create most risk

    • Lessons learned from past enforcement actions involving conduct by third parties

    • Compliance measures and advice for addressing risks related to third parties

    • Investigative steps in the case of an actual or potential violation by a third party

  21. OFAC Sanctions Update: Navigating the Minefield

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Robert Ward  | May 2020 

    • Discussion on the Implications of the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal, and now with Iran’s own decision to withdraw, with emphasis on secondary sanctions

    • Discussion on key steps to prevent violations including enforcement trends, best practices for policies/procedures, screening, due diligence and training

  22. Anti-Corruption Risk Assessments 2020 - Best Practices

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Ann Sultan, Daniel Wendt  | May 2020 

    • What to consider when conducting a company-wide anti-corruption risk assessment for your business, as recommended by the DOJ in recent guidance

    • Best practices for risk assessments covering specific operations, such as a specific country market or a specific business unit, including how to leverage multiple topics in addition to anti-corruption compliance

    • How data analytics can help with risk assessments, such as identifying areas or markets of particular risk, scoping assessments, and identifying specific items for testing

  23. Day One as a New Compliance Officer: Prioritizing Your Next Steps

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): James Rose, Jan Elezian, Gerald Roy  | March 2020 

    • Highlight the main areas of compliance risk that new compliance officers should be aware of in stepping into a new position.

    • Describe effective tools for reviewing current state of a compliance program and in what order to tackle the various compliance questions and issues that exist.

    • Provide a blueprint and a framework for building and implementing an effective compliance program.

  24. The View from Machu Picchu: Compliance Updates - Major Changes in Peru's Legal, Corporate Governance

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Julio Arboleda Ramirez  | March 2020 

    • Peru’s crisis and remarkable cultural transformation in its attitudes to corruption, as well as money laundering and financing of terrorism.

    • International best practices in the application of good corporate governance cycles to compliance programs

    • The current fall of Peru’s ruling political class, and the role of corruption

    • This presentation will help make sense of both the new legal landscape and emerging corporate governance practices and culture

  25. The CCPA and Beyond: US Consumer Privacy Laws and Bills and How to Stay Sane

    2020 SCCE Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Teresa Troester-Falk, Britanie Hall, Rachel Glasser  | March 2020 

    • Analyze passed and pending privacy regulation in the U.S.

    • Hear first-hand from seasoned practitioners on how they are addressing these privacy requirements in the face of ambiguity

    • Identify practical plans to address the ever-changing landscape