Subpart A—Wool Scouring Subcategory
- §410.10 Applicability; description of the wool scouring subcategory.
- §410.11 Specialized definitions.
- §410.12 Effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available (BPT).
- §410.13 Effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable (BAT).
- §410.14 Pretreatment standards for existing sources (PSES).
- §410.15 New source performance standards (NSPS).
- §410.16 Pretreatment standards for new sources (PSNS).
- §410.17 Effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best conventional pollutant control technology (BCT). [Reserved]