Subpart E—Licenses, Authorizations and Statements of Licensing Policy
- §535.501 General and specific licensing procedures.
- §535.502 Effect of license or authorization.
- §535.503 Exclusion from licenses and authorizations.
- §535.504 Certain judicial proceedings with respect to property of Iran or Iranian entities.
- §535.508 Payments to blocked accounts in domestic banks.
- §535.528 Certain transactions with respect to Iranian patents, trademarks and copyrights authorized.
- §535.531 Payment of certain checks and drafts.
- §535.532 Completion of certain securities transactions.
- §535.540 Disposition of certain tangible property.
- §535.566 Unblocking of foreign currency deposits held by U.S.-owned or controlled foreign firms.
- §535.567 Payment under advised letters of credit.
- §535.568 Certain standby letters of credit and performance bonds.
- §535.569 Licensed letter of credit transactions; forwarding of documents.
- §535.576 Payment of non-dollar letters of credit to Iran.
- §535.579 Authorization of new transactions concerning certain Iranian property.
- §535.580 Necessary living expenses of relatives of the former Shah of Iran.